
Level II. Rhetorical

Level II: Rhetorical

To further their advancement toward Eloquentia Perfecta, students will generate topics of inquiry; gather, evaluate, and disseminate information and ideas; and argue in varied modes within appropriate contexts and disciplines, so that they are empowered to excel as professionals and citizens to serve more fully the common good.

Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of courses associated with Eloquentia Perfecta Level II, students will:
1.      Display creativity, curiosity, inquisitiveness, open mindedness, and engagement in the world.
2.      Exhibit qualities of rhetorical practice- creativity, reflection, persuasion, ethics, and prudence—as they utilize digital
         technology, listen, speak, and write within the context of various disciplines.
3.      Establish learning as inquiry and will demonstrate the skills of effective problem-solvers by posing questions; searching for
         information; generating, testing, and revising hypotheses; and communicating the results of their inquiry.
4.      Demonstrate research and scholarship as a sustained discourse within a community.
Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of each Level II: Eloquentia Perfecta Oral (EPO) course, students will be able to:
1.      Engage in dialogue about their discipline in a critical way.
2.      Participate in active listening and critical reflection.
3.      Develop and revise communication strategies based on audience members’ verbal and non-verbal feedback.
4.      Utilize speaking as a means to develop and communicate knowledge in their discipline.
Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of each Level II: Eloquentia Perfecta Digital (EPD) course, students will be able to:
1.      Utilize digital technology in the ways that professionals do, to create artifacts and disseminate information in their discipline.
2.      Make informed choices among alternatives in the use of digital technology.
3.      Integrate the use of various digital tools in the gathering, evaluating, and disseminating of information.
4.      Reflect on the social, political, intellectual, moral, and ethical implications of digital technology in their discipline.
Student Learning Outcomes
At the completion of each Level II: Eloquentia Perfecta Writing (EPW) course, students will be able to:
1.      Write in genres used by professionals in the course’s subject area.
2.      Explain the writing conventions of the discipline and adhere to them in their own writing.
3.      Draft and revise their writing to fulfill a purpose.
4.      Utilize writing as a means to develop and communicate knowledge in their discipline.

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